As with so many living rooms, the centerpiece is the couch. It's made of wood, and has springs that hold up 2 sheets of plywood that each support a square mustard cushion. It faces you and a bare wall to your left. If it were dark, maybe a vision would appear on that wall, cast from the projector hanging from the ceiling. You have your stereo system all set up. The wires snake across the floor, connecting all the room's different creatures. Right now they're all resting. Your roommate, soot, has been away for about a week. She's staying with friends. Not much else in the room stands out as distinctly either of yours. The two of you share a lot. To your left, a narrow set of sliding glass doors go out to the balcony. Behind you, the hallway. To your right, the kitchen. And straight ahead, behind and perpendicular to the couch, is the door to go outside.